July 23rd 2011: noticing our more recent positings have disappeared!

As the story goes… something stinks in Denmark ! For some strange reason it appears that our positing have disappeared!!!! We don’t know why, we suspect it was the vast number of images we were posting so we have been trimming them down and came up with an alternative to how we have things presented… yep, stepping into another round of technological advancement 🙂  Hang tight! We will be working to have everything updated (I know our total recall isn’t superb, but you;ll get what we can remember) within 24 hours! Thanks for your patience and letting us know things were awry!

Semper F i~ SSgt. Chris Mongan & The Mrs.

About We Ride for WI Vets

This is great! Almost two years ago (right about when we bought our sweet vroom-vroom: 100th Anniversary Edition Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide) we learned about The Highground (a Wisconsin Veteran Memorial Park) which exists through charitable contributions to keep the park alive and filled with the honoring spirit our fellow Wisconsinites deserve. All this is about us riding to generate awareness and financial support for The Highground.
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